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曲婉婷ThoUghts are rUnnIng throUgh mY head
RelUctance to faIlUre, I refUse to crY
The oUtsIde showers the openIng woUnd
I trIp and Fall UntIl

RedUndancY catches me Up, I have no where to go
WhIle she feeds me I hate mYself, tears comIng down I choke
The hoUr fIlls wIth wIsh and hope bUt the hoUr Is gone
I threw mYself, then I became a shell

TrUth Is, Is not what YoU see
YoU see what YoU want to belIeve
There's so mUch more to offer Inside of me
BUt I can't come oUt becaUse

RedUndancY catches me Up, I have no where to go
WhIle she feeds me I hate mYself, tears comIng down I choke
The hoUr fIlls wIth wIsh and hope bUt the hoUr Is gone
I threw mYself, then I became a shell

Became a shell, became a shell, became a shell…

The oUtsIde, showers the openIng woUnd
I trIp and Fall...

RedUndancY catches me Up, I have no where to go
WhIle she feeds me I hate mYself, tears comIng down I choke
The hoUr fIlls wIth wIsh and hope bUt the hoUr Is gone
I threw mYself, and I became a shell

ProdUced bY WInston HaUschIld
Recorded at MUshroom StUdIos, FaderMaster StUdIos, VertIcal StUdIos and WInston's BUnker.
EngIneered bY WInston HaUschIld, Shawn Cole
assIsted bY PaUl Boechler
Vocals: WantIng QU
BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU
DrUms: NIko FrIesen
Bass: RobbIe DrIscoll
GUItars: WInston HaUschIld, ChrIs PerrY
KeYs: WInston HaUschIld, WantIng QU, MIchael AYotte
PercUssIon, ProgrammIng: WInston HaUschIld
MIXed bY ChrIs PerrY
Mastered bY Greg ReelY, compIled bY CraIg Waddell

ISRC CA-N11-11-00640



Star In You
Everything In The World