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Sing For You

曲婉婷I Don't want to Fall asleep tonIght
CaUse I fear the world I wake Up to
Is one wIthoUt YoU
EverY tIme I close mY eYes
I Don't wanna dream If Dreaming Is wIthoUt YoU

Don't let It dIe, don't let It go
Don't wanna face the world alone
I can't make It on mY own
I'll waIt for YoU, It brIngs me hope
I know that YoU'll be comIng home
TIl that daY, I'll sIng for YoU

I long for YoUr toUch
I long for oUr crazY conversatIons
YoU make It easY to be wIld and free
I Try to make terms wIth tIme
"Can we all jUst staY lIke thIs, and let's not go anYwhere?"

Don't let It dIe, don't let It go
Don't wanna face the world alone
I can't make It on mY own
I'll waIt for YoU, It brIngs me hope
I know that YoU'll be comIng home
TIl that daY, I'll sIng for YoU

I'll thInk of YoU
I'll learn from YoU
I'll send My Love, to folLow YoU
I jUst can't hIde from YoU
I can't rUn from YoU
I wanna start wIth YoU
I'm In love wIth YoU

Don't let It dIe, don't let It go
Don't wanna face the world alone
I can't make It on mY own
I'll waIt for YoU, It brIngs me hope
I know that YoU'll be comIng home
TIl that daY, I'll sIng for YoU

ProdUced bY Ron AnIello
Vocals, pIano, sYnth, acoUstIc gUItar, percUssIon: WantIng QU
GUItar, sYnth, bass, loops, percUssIon, programmIng: Ron AnIello
DrUm: Matt ChamberlaIn
B3 organ, addItIonal pIano: Dave Palmer
AddItIonal pIano: Roget ChahaYed
GUItar: Rob Lebrett
StrIng arrangements: Scott TIbbs
~VIolIn: Mark FerrIs, Cameron WIlson
~VIola: HenrY Lee
~Cello: FInn MannIche
~PercUssIon: ReId HendrY, JUnshUo HoU
BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU, AImee Proal, Sean Zhang, J Angel

EngIneered bY Ron AnIello, Ross Petersen, Alec DIXon, Rob Lebrett,
ClIf Norell, Dan BlessInger, ChrIstopher 'PherbIe' MIdgleY, and Jason MarIanI
RecordIng assIstant In VancoUver: JIefU Wang
Recorded at VerY Loud HoUse, Woodland HIlls, CA; CYclops SoUnd, Van NUYs, CA;
VIllage Recorders, Santa MonIca, CA; BrotherYn StUdIo, OjaI, CA;
MartIn soUnd, Alhambra, CA; The Farm StUdIos, VancoUver;
LIqUId TensIon MUsIc, VancoUver; Robert Plant LA, CA
MIXed bY ChrIs Lord-Alge at MIX LA
AssItant engIneers: KeIth Armstrong and NIk Karpen
AddItIonal assIstant engIneers: Brad Townsend and Andrew SchUbert
Mastered bY Ted Jensen at SterlIng SoUnd, NY

PUblIshed bY Nettwerk One MUsIc (Canada) LImIted

《Sing For You》


Love Struck Me Down