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My Little Friend

曲婉婷Come sIt wIth me, mY lIttle frIend, help me Understand
WhY do theY alwaYs want me to be what I can't become?
I Try to make sense of It all
I know I can, I know I can
I Try to jUmp and catch the ball
Even If I Fall, even If I Fall

EverY tIme I'm feelIng down, I can hear YoU saY
"NothIng Is everYthIng goIng to waste, don't throw It awaY, don't throw It awaY"
EverY tIme I'm feelIng small, aboUt to hIt a wall
I look InTo Your eYes sUddenlY I'm ok
I can coUnt on YoU, I can coUnt on YoU

I'll stand bY YoU, mY lIttle frIend, help YoU walk agaIn
I'll gIve YoU a pUsh and be there for YoU, lIke YoU were there for me
I Try mY best not to dIsappoInt
YoU know I'm better than that, Yeah I'm better than that!
And If the world tUrned theIr back on me
I know YoU'll be rIght here neXt to me

EverY tIme I'm feelIng down, I can hear YoU saY
"NothIng Is everYthIng goIng to waste, don't throw It awaY, don't throw It awaY"
EverY tIme I'm feelIng small, aboUt to hIt a wall
I look InTo Your eYes sUddenlY I'm ok
I can coUnt on YoU, I can coUnt on YoU

I am sorrY
SometImes when I'm In mY own world, oh I can be so cold
BUt YoU've alwaYs belIeved In me…

ProdUced bY Ron AnIello and JUnshUo HoU
Vocals, pIano, sYnth, acoUstIc gUItar, percUssIon: WantIng QU
GUItar, sYnth, bass, loops, percUssIon, programmIng: Ron AnIello
B3 organ, addItIonal pIano: Dave Palmer
AddItIonal pIano: Roget ChahaYed
Orchestral arrangement: JUnshUo HoU
~VIolIn: Mark FerrIs, Cameron WIlson
~VIola: HenrY Lee
~Cello: FInn MannIche
~PercUssIon: ReId HendrY, JUnshUo HoU
BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU, AImee Proal, Sean Zhang, J Angel

EngIneered bY Ron AnIello, Ross Petersen, Alec DIXon, Rob Lebrett,
ClIf Norell, Dan BlessInger, ChrIstopher 'PherbIe' MIdgleY, and Jason MarIanI
RecordIng assIstant In VancoUver: JIefU Wang
Recorded at VerY Loud HoUse, Woodland HIlls, CA; CYclops SoUnd, Van NUYs, CA;
VIllage Recorders, Santa MonIca, CA; BrotherYn StUdIo, OjaI, CA;
MartIn soUnd, Alhambra, CA; The Farm StUdIos, VancoUver;
LIqUId TensIon MUsIc, VancoUver; Robert Plant LA, CA
MIXed bY ChrIs Lord-Alge at MIX LA
AssItant engIneers: KeIth Armstrong and NIk Karpen
AddItIonal assIstant engIneers: Brad Townsend and Andrew SchUbert
Mastered bY Ted Jensen at SterlIng SoUnd, NY

PUblIshed bY Nettwerk One MUsIc (Canada) LImIted

《My Little Friend》


Love Struck Me Down
Exit This Way