曲婉婷也许命中注定我要来到你身旁 @H_161_0@
画你的模样 听你的胸膛 @H_161_0@
也许明天不会像今天一样辉煌 @H_161_0@
谁又不受伤在痛苦中成长 @H_161_0@
时间永远不会停留在这个寂寞的晚上 @H_161_0@
夜深人静的时候写首歌给自己唱 @H_161_0@
这样就不会感觉到没有你在我的身旁 @H_161_0@
爱是一种信仰 带给我力量 @H_161_0@
我愿为你而歌唱 @H_161_0@
也许思念不过只是对昨天的向往 @H_161_0@
当一个人在远方 它带来的更多是希望 @H_161_0@
也许我并不会将伤心写在脸上 @H_161_0@
因为我的梦 梦里有你的光亮 @H_161_0@
时间永远不会停留在这个寂寞的晚上 @H_161_0@
夜深人静的时候写首歌给自己唱 @H_161_0@
这样就不会感觉到没有你在我的身旁 @H_161_0@
爱是一种信仰 带给我力量 @H_161_0@
我愿为你而歌唱 @H_161_0@
带走你的忧伤… @H_161_0@
不是不难过 放弃曾想过 @H_161_0@
这么努力为什么 @H_161_0@
今天看穿了 唱着这支歌 @H_161_0@
因为我爱你 别无选择 @H_161_0@
夜深人静的时候写首歌给自己唱 @H_161_0@
这样就不会感觉到没有你在我的身旁 @H_161_0@
爱是一种信仰 带给我力量 @H_161_0@
我愿为你而歌唱 @H_161_0@
带走你的忧伤 @H_161_0@
ProdUced bY Ron AnIello and WantIng@H_161_0@
Vocals, pIano, sYnth, acoUstIc gUItar, percUssIon: WantIng QU@H_161_0@
GUItar, sYnth, bass, loops, percUssIon, programmIng: Ron AnIello@H_161_0@
DrUm: Matt ChamberlaIn@H_161_0@
B3 organ, addItIonal pIano: Dave Palmer@H_161_0@
AddItIonal pIano: Roget ChahaYed@H_161_0@
BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU, AImee Proal, Sean Zhang, J Angel@H_161_0@
EngIneered bY Ron AnIello, Ross Petersen, Alec DIXon, Rob Lebrett, @H_161_0@
ClIf Norell, Dan BlessInger, ChrIstopher 'PherbIe' MIdgleY, and Jason MarIanI@H_161_0@
RecordIng assIstant In VancoUver: JIefU Wang@H_161_0@
Recorded at VerY Loud HoUse, Woodland HIlls, CA; CYclops SoUnd, Van NUYs, CA; @H_161_0@
VIllage Recorders, Santa MonIca, CA; BrotherYn StUdIo, OjaI, CA; @H_161_0@
MartIn soUnd, Alhambra, CA; The Farm StUdIos, VancoUver; @H_161_0@
LIqUId TensIon MUsIc, VancoUver; Robert Plant LA, CA@H_161_0@
MIXed bY ChrIs Lord-Alge at MIX LA@H_161_0@
AssItant engIneers: KeIth Armstrong and NIk Karpen@H_161_0@
AddItIonal assIstant engIneers: Brad Townsend and Andrew SchUbert@H_161_0@
Mastered bY Ted Jensen at SterlIng SoUnd, NY@H_161_0@
PUblIshed bY Nettwerk One MUsIc (Canada) LImIted
Joker Needs Laughter Too下一个歌词
Sing For You
Joker Needs Laughter Too下一个歌词
Sing For You
Drenched (Special Holiday Version)
阳光下的我们 (Special Holiday Version)
爱的海洋 (Special Holiday Version)
Time, My Friend
Say the Words
Life Is a Struggle
Exit This Way
My Little Friend
Love Struck Me Down
Sing For You
Joker Needs Laughter Too
Time, My Friend
You Can't Hurt Me Anymo...
Wild Heart
Your Girl
Wouldn't It Be Nice
Set You Free
You Can't Hurt Me Anymo...
Kissing Paradise
Moon and Back
Distract You
Make Love to This Song
Kissing Paradise
Kissing Paradise (JordanXL R...
Moon and Back (JordanXL Remi...
Your Girl
Love Birds
Drenched (Special Holiday Ve...
阳光下的我们 (Special Holida...
爱的海洋 (Special Holiday Ve...
Time, My Friend
Say the Words
Life Is a Struggle
Exit This Way
My Little Friend
Love Struck Me Down
Sing For You
Joker Needs Laughter Too