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Jar Of Love

曲婉婷Another sUnrIse, another sUnset@H_757_0@ Soon It'll all be YesterdaY@H_757_0@ Another good daY, another bad daY@H_757_0@ What dId YoU do todaY?@H_757_0@ WhY do we choose to chase what we'll lose?@H_757_0@ What YoU want Isn't what YoU have@H_757_0@ What YoU have maY not be YoUrs to keep@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ If I coUld fInd love, at a stop, @H_757_0@ In a park wIth open arms,@H_757_0@ I woUld save all My Love, In a jar, made of sparks, @H_757_0@ sealed In mY beatIng heart@H_757_0@ CoUld It be YoUrs to keep, the Jar of Love.@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Another left tUrn, another head tUrns@H_757_0@ CoUld he be @R_253_1575@ I deserve?@H_757_0@ Another rIght tUrn, another lesson learned@H_757_0@ Never leave an open flame to bUrn@H_757_0@ WhY do we choose to chase what we'll lose?@H_757_0@ What YoU want Isn't what YoU have@H_757_0@ What YoU have maY not be YoUrs to keep@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ If I coUld fInd love, at a stop, @H_757_0@ In a park wIth open arms,@H_757_0@ I woUld save all My Love, In a jar, made of sparks, @H_757_0@ sealed In mY beatIng heart,@H_757_0@ CoUld It be YoUrs to keep, the Jar of Love.@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ CoUld YoU be My Love (X4)@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ CoUld YoU be her love@H_757_0@ CoUld YoU be hIs love@H_757_0@ CoUld YoU be My Love@H_757_0@ CoUld I be YoUr love@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ ProdUced bY WInston HaUschIld@H_757_0@ Recorded at MUshroom StUdIos, FaderMaster StUdIos, VertIcal StUdIos and WInston's BUnker.@H_757_0@ EngIneered bY WInston HaUschIld, Shawn Cole@H_757_0@ AddItIonal prodUctIon bY ChrIs PerrY@H_757_0@ Vocals: WantIng QU@H_757_0@ BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU, Jason MartInson@H_757_0@ DrUms: JUstIn Banmann@H_757_0@ Bass: WInston HaUschIld@H_757_0@ GUItars: WInston HaUschIld, Jason MartInson@H_757_0@ KeYs: WInston HaUschIld, WantIng QU, MIchael AYotte@H_757_0@ PercUssIon, ProgrammIng: WInston HaUschIld@H_757_0@ MIXed bY ChrIs PerrY@H_757_0@ Mastered bY Greg ReelY, compIled bY CraIg Waddell@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ ISRC CA-N11-11-00633

《Jar Of Love》


Hand Hold
Star In You