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Bang (Explicit)

EminemCompare me to LightnIng
That sImIlarItY's strIkIn' compare me to Jaws
Compare me to Manson MarIlYn or Charles
Compare me to Nas BIggIe or Pac
Do not compare me to that IggY b***h
Or all thIs f**kIn' MIllI VanIllI hIp-hop
ThIs Is where all that sIllY f**k stops
Compare me to the pIstol that trIggered thIs thoUght
The semI the Glock 9 mIllIs get ****ed
I'm sendIn' a shot don't come aroUnd
WIth them floss raps @R_575_4187@na stUnt
Compare me to Meek bIg wheelIes get popped
One bY one compare 'em to scabs I'm pIckIn' 'em off
TheY're goIn' home to f**k NIckI MInaj
Aw compare me to d**kItY dose
Yeah I'm hIckItY-hIttIn' It raw ha In the traIler park
Told her I Played the part lIke Jaden Sparks
Ate a twat lIke a tater tot oh s**t
Get the strap lIke a traInIn' bra
LUnchtIme lIke I ate a clock
BUt ShadY's not for the faInt of heart
GoIn' at these b***hes lIke LorraIne and Bob If Y'all want drama
We can make a scarY movIe lIke Marlon WaYans
Y'all lookIn' at the charred remaIns of Charlamagne tha God
SlIm whIp WestsIde and ConwaY are not PlayIn'
I **** back aIm And I spraY It lIke "Bang"

《Bang (Explicit)》


Curtains Close (Skit)
Venom (Clean) (《毒液:致命守护者》电影插曲)