Wasting My Time (《8英里》电
Do YoU want to get wIth me or not
Are YoU jUst wastIng mY tIme
YoU're sImplY wastIng mY tIme
So qUIt wastIng mY tIme
And what have YoU got to saY
Well thIngs have got to change
See thIs jUst Isn't rIght
I don't want to have to fIght
And I thInk I better go
'CaUse thIs aIn't workIng Anymore
And I'm sorrY sorrY sorrY
Understand that what YoU dId
Was jUst not So Cool
MaYbe YoUr jUst not that cool
Do YoU want to get wIth me or not
Are YoU jUst wastIng mY tIme
YoU're sImplY wastIng mY tIme
So qUIt wastIng mY tIme
And what have YoU got to saY
Well thIngs have got to change
See thIs jUst Isn't rIght
I don't want to have to fIght
And I thInk I better go
'CaUse thIs aIn't workIng Anymore
And I'm sorrY sorrY sorrY
Understand that what YoU dId
Was jUst not So Cool
MaYbe YoUr jUst not that cool
《Wasting My Time (《8英里》电影插曲)》
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