EminemElse and sUckIn' hIs dIck and kIssIn' YoU on the lIps
When YoU get back to MIchIgan now the
Plot Is thIckenIn' worse
CaUse YoU feel lIke YoU've been stIckIn' YoUr f**kIn' dIck In a
Hearse so YoU paranoId at everY lIttle cold
That YoU get ever sInce theY told YoU thIs sh*t
YoU've been holdIn' YoUr dIck
So YoU go to the clInIc sweatIn' everY mInUte YoU In It then
The doctor comes oUt lookIn' lIke DennIs the Menace
And It's obvIoUs to everYone In the lobbY
It's AIDS he aIn't even gotta call YoU In hIs offIce
To saY It so YoU jet back home caUse YoU
Gon' get that hoe when YoU see her YoU gon'
Bend her f**kIn' neck back Yo' caUse YoU love
Her YoU never woUld eXpect
That bLow ObIe told YoU the scoop
How coUld she stoop that Low
JesUs I don't belIeve thIs b**ch works
At the cleaners brIngIn' me home dIseases swIngIn'
From ObIe's penIs she's
So deceIvIn' sh*t thIs hoe's a genIUs she g'd Us
That's whY I aIn't got no tIme for these games
And stUpId trIcks or these b**ches on mY dIck
That's how dUdes be gettIng sIck
That's how dIcks be gettIng drIps FallIng vIctIms to thIs
Sh*t from these b**ches on oUr dIcks f**kIng chIckens
WIth no rIbs that's whY I aIn't got notIme
I'm bUsY Yeah f**k these b**ches f**k 'em all
Get Money ShadY records ObIe TrIce EmInem
Motherf**ker new mIllenIUm sh*t
Yeah tUrn thIs sh*t off
When YoU get back to MIchIgan now the
Plot Is thIckenIn' worse
CaUse YoU feel lIke YoU've been stIckIn' YoUr f**kIn' dIck In a
Hearse so YoU paranoId at everY lIttle cold
That YoU get ever sInce theY told YoU thIs sh*t
YoU've been holdIn' YoUr dIck
So YoU go to the clInIc sweatIn' everY mInUte YoU In It then
The doctor comes oUt lookIn' lIke DennIs the Menace
And It's obvIoUs to everYone In the lobbY
It's AIDS he aIn't even gotta call YoU In hIs offIce
To saY It so YoU jet back home caUse YoU
Gon' get that hoe when YoU see her YoU gon'
Bend her f**kIn' neck back Yo' caUse YoU love
Her YoU never woUld eXpect
That bLow ObIe told YoU the scoop
How coUld she stoop that Low
JesUs I don't belIeve thIs b**ch works
At the cleaners brIngIn' me home dIseases swIngIn'
From ObIe's penIs she's
So deceIvIn' sh*t thIs hoe's a genIUs she g'd Us
That's whY I aIn't got no tIme for these games
And stUpId trIcks or these b**ches on mY dIck
That's how dUdes be gettIng sIck
That's how dIcks be gettIng drIps FallIng vIctIms to thIs
Sh*t from these b**ches on oUr dIcks f**kIng chIckens
WIth no rIbs that's whY I aIn't got notIme
I'm bUsY Yeah f**k these b**ches f**k 'em all
Get Money ShadY records ObIe TrIce EmInem
Motherf**ker new mIllenIUm sh*t
Yeah tUrn thIs sh*t off
Say Goodbye Hollywood下一个歌词
Without Me
Say Goodbye Hollywood下一个歌词
Without Me
Curtains Close (Skit)
My Dad's Gone Crazy
'Till I Collapse (《铁甲钢拳》电影插曲)
Say What You Say
Steve Berman (Skit)
Sing For The Moment
Paul Rosenbeeg (Skit)
Without Me
Say Goodbye Hollywood
The Kiss (Skit)
Square Dance
Cleanin Out My Closet
White America
Homicide (Clean)
Venom (Clean) (《毒液:致命守...
Bang (Explicit)
Curtains Close (Skit)
My Dad's Gone Crazy
'Till I Collapse (《铁甲...
Say What You Say
Steve Berman (Skit)
Sing For The Moment
Paul Rosenbeeg (Skit)
Without Me
Say Goodbye Hollywood
The Kiss (Skit)
Square Dance
Cleanin Out My Closet
White America
Rabbit Run (Explicit) (《8英...
Battle (Explicit) (《8英里》...
That's My Ni**a Fo Real ...
R A K I M (Explicit) (《8英里...
Wasting My Time (《8英里》电...
Wanksta (Explicit) (《8英里》...
U Wanna Be Me (Explicit) (《...
Time Of My Life (《8英里》电...
Spit Shine (Explicit) (《8英...
8 Miles And Running (Explici...