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Is It Over Now? (Demo)

蔡健雅Is It over now @H_573_0@ do we reallY have to saY goodbYe@H_573_0@ does It mean that we can't talk Anymore@H_573_0@ cos I stIll love YoU so@H_573_0@ cos I dIdn't mean to break YoUr heart@H_573_0@ If Only YoU knew whY I had to let YoU go@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ Is It over now@H_573_0@ Feels lIke It's the end of the world@H_573_0@ I Don't reallY wanna Try to get over YoU@H_573_0@ cos stIll see YoUr face@H_573_0@ feel YoUr breath everYwhere I go@H_573_0@ don't thInk I'll ever fInd @R_73_1575@ jUst lIke YoU@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ I thoUght we coUld last@H_573_0@ be @R_423_1513@ Forever@H_573_0@ bUt we dIdn't last@H_573_0@ we sUre dId pUt Up a fIght@H_573_0@ now It hUrts so bad@H_573_0@ wIth YoU oUt of mY lIfe@H_573_0@ Is It reallY over now@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ GUess It's over now@H_573_0@ cos I'm sIttIng here all alone@H_573_0@ @R_73_1575@ Is knockIng bUt It won't be YoU at mY door@H_573_0@ lettIng go Is never easY@H_573_0@ I've been learnIng It the hard waY@H_573_0@ I've been coUntIng everY mInUte and second @H_573_0@ sInce the daY YoU left sInce the daY YoU left

《Is It Over Now? (Demo)》


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