You Sorry Ass!!
蔡健雅DIdnt I Do mY best to tell YoU@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
DIdnt I hear everYthIng YoU saId@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
dIdnt I pUt everYthIng down jUst to make YoUr daY@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Now Im too tIred to Play@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
People walkIng past Us as we lInger@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
EventhoUgh there Is not mUch to see@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
MaYbe YoU shoUld Try YoUr lUck on @R_129_1575@ else@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
CaUse I cant stand YoU no more@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
I hope somedaY YoU wIll fInd @R_129_1575@@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
And she wIll treat YoU lIke YoU treated me@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Then how YoUll Fall apart now I shoUld wonder@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
And so If YoU shoUld thInk that I ll be awake@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
To waIt for YoUr call half past three@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
ThInk agaIn My Love@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
YoU sorrY ass@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
For everY lIttle good IntentIon I had@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
YoU tUrned them down and walked awaY@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Now I Dont gIve a damn dont wanna condescend@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Theres Only me mYself to defend@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
I hope somedaY YoU wIll fInd @R_129_1575@@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
And she wIll treat YoU lIke YoU treated me@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Them how YoUll Fall apart now I shoUld wonder@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
I ll remember how the fIrst tIme we made oUt@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Then YoU saId we shoUld jUst be frIends@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Dont ask for I love YoUrs@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
YoU sorrY ass@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Oh JIm Beam kIm YoUr stUpId kIttY YoUr tarots@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
ScUba dIves and spoons@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
Oh JIm Beam KIm YoUr stUpId kIttY@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
I ll be over YoU too soon@H_7@R_578_4325@_0@
YoU sorrY ass
《You Sorry Ass!!》
I Don't Know Where I Stand下一个歌词
I Don't Know Where I Stand下一个歌词