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蔡健雅I looked aroUnd for lIfe@H_236_0@ for somethIng to hold me back In tIme@H_236_0@ YearnIng, waItIng to@H_236_0@ break Into the sIlence of the nIght@H_236_0@ a tho@R_579_3952@nd troUbled lIes@H_236_0@ trapped wIthIn trUth and confUsIon@H_236_0@ forgIve me@H_236_0@ maYbe for the words I chose to saY@H_236_0@ If I shoUld Fall@H_236_0@ InTo Your arms@H_236_0@ woUld I feel InsecUre@H_236_0@ Im so far awaY@H_236_0@ bUt too close so YoU saY@H_236_0@ fUnnY whY we make peace and love@H_236_0@ once agaIn theres nothIng to feel@H_236_0@ Im sheltered from the Light@H_236_0@ hIdIng behInd thIs shadY vIsIon@H_236_0@ holdIng the wInd@H_236_0@ I hate to thInk that YoU wont be there Anymore@H_236_0@ Im In love wIth YoU In everY wakIng hoUr@H_236_0@ everY now and then YoU move me@H_236_0@ Im In love wIth YoU In everY wakIng hoUr@H_236_0@ all the ashes In mY eYes@H_236_0@ dont YoU know that I love YoU I love YoU@H_236_0@ and I want to@H_236_0@ so If YoU are thInkIng of rUnnIng awaY@H_236_0@ let me rUn wIth YoU@H_236_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn



You Sorry Ass!!
My Friend