Some Things Should Change
蔡健雅I thInk It's tIme some thIngs shoUld change@H_169_0@
It doesn't have to be that waY@H_169_0@
I thInk It's tIme some thIngs shoUld change@H_169_0@
It doesn't have to be that waY@H_169_0@
YoU're the fIrst on the lIst when nUmbers are gLowIng@H_169_0@
And the last on theIr lIst at the end of YoUr sUccess@H_169_0@
Cos' YoU shoUld have known better@H_169_0@
That It has alwaYs been that waY, been that waY@H_169_0@
YoU remember the past@H_169_0@
The slammIng, the screamIng of YoUr parents@H_169_0@
And so YoU stop belIevIng In love@H_169_0@
And YoU thInk It's okaY bUt It doesn't have to be that waY, be that waY@H_169_0@
I thInk It's tIme some thIngs shoUld change@H_169_0@
It doesn't have to be that waY@H_169_0@
I thInk It's tIme some thIngs shoUld change@H_169_0@
It doesn't have to be that waY
《Some Things Should Change》
True Colors下一个歌词
I'll Remember You
True Colors下一个歌词
I'll Remember You