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The Twelfth Of Never

王杰王杰 - The Twelfth Of Never@H_161_0@ WrItten:PaUl FrancIs Webster/JerrY LIvIngston@H_161_0@ @H_161_0@ YoU ask me how mUch I need YoU,mUst I eXplaIn@H_161_0@ I need YoU, oh mY darlIng,lIke roses need raIn@H_161_0@ YoU ask how long I'll love YoU@H_161_0@ I'll tell YoU trUe@H_161_0@ UntIl the Twelfth of Never,I'll stIll be lovIng YoU@H_161_0@ Hold me close@H_161_0@ Never let me go@H_161_0@ Hold me close@H_161_0@ Melt mY heart lIke AprIl snow@H_161_0@ @H_161_0@ I'll love YoU'tIl the blUebells forget to bloom@H_161_0@ I'll love YoU'tIl the clover has lost Its perfUme@H_161_0@ I'll love YoU'tIl the poets rUn oUt of rhYme@H_161_0@ UntIl the Twelfth of Never@H_161_0@ And that's a long,long tIme@H_161_0@ @H_161_0@ UntIl the Twelfth of Never@H_161_0@ And that's a long, long tIme

《The Twelfth Of Never》


He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother