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Sometimes When We Touch

王杰王杰 @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ SOMETIMES WHEN WE TOUCH@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ LYrIcs:Dan HIll@H_573_0@ MUsIc:BarrY Mann@H_573_0@ Arranger:Ricky Ho@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ YoU ask me If I love YoU@H_573_0@ And I choke on mY replY@H_573_0@ I'd rather hUrt YoU honestlY than Mistead YoU wIth a lIe@H_573_0@ And who am I to jUdge YoU on what YoU saY or do@H_573_0@ I'm Only jUst beGinnIng Yo see the real YoU@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ And sometImes when we toUch@H_573_0@ The honestlY too mUch@H_573_0@ And I have to close mY eYes and crY@H_573_0@ I wanna hold YoU tIll the fear In me sUbsIdes@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ Romance and all Its strategY@H_573_0@ Lesves me battIng wIth mY prIde@H_573_0@ BUt thUr the InsecUrItY some tenderness sUrvIves@H_573_0@ I'm jUst anther wrIter stIll trapped wIthIn mY trUth@H_573_0@ a hesItant prIzfIghters stIll trapped wIthIn mY YoUth@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ At tIme I'd lIke to break YoU@H_573_0@ And drIve YoU To Your knees@H_573_0@ At tImes I'd lIke to break thUr@H_573_0@ And hold YoU endlesslY@H_573_0@ At tImes I Understand YoU@H_573_0@ I know how hard YoU Try@H_573_0@ I've watched whIle love commands YoU@H_573_0@ And I've watched love pass YoU bY@H_573_0@ At tImes I thInk we're drIfters@H_573_0@ StIll searchIng for a frIend a brother or a sIster@H_573_0@ BUt then the @R_249_1682@ flares agaIn@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ And some tImes when we toUch the honestlY too mUch@H_573_0@ And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_573_0@ I wanna hold YoU tIll I dIe@H_573_0@ TIll We both break down and crY@H_573_0@ I wanna hold YoU tIll the fear In me sUbsIdes

《Sometimes When We Touch》


If There Will Be You No More
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother