How Do You Do?
TwinsHow Do YoU Do - TwIns@H_573_0@
How do YoU do MarY MIchael How do YoU do@H_573_0@
Is there anYthIng that we can do for YoU@H_573_0@
We are glad to welcome YoU@H_573_0@
And we hope YoU lIke Us too@H_573_0@
How do YoU do MarY MIchael How do YoU do@H_573_0@
How do YoU do MarY MIchael How do YoU do@H_573_0@
Is there anYthIng that we can do for YoU@H_573_0@
We are glad to welcome YoU@H_573_0@
And we hope YoU lIke Us too@H_573_0@
How do YoU do MarY MIchael How do YoU do@H_573_0@
How do YoU do MarY MIchael How do YoU do@H_573_0@
Is there anYthIng that we can do for YoU@H_573_0@
We are glad to welcome YoU@H_573_0@
And we hope YoU lIke Us too@H_573_0@
How do YoU do MarY MIchael How do YoU do
《How Do You Do?》
I Have Got Six Pence下一个歌词
Ring A Ring Of Roses
I Have Got Six Pence下一个歌词
Ring A Ring Of Roses
- 齐来手牵手
- Goodbye To You
- Sunny Day
- Everbody Jump
- The Train
- When I Was A Young Girl
- To The Circus
- Table And Chair
- I Had A Little Nut Tree
- Our School Will Shine
- Froggie Froggie
- Ring A Ring Of Roses
- How Do You Do?
- I Have Got Six Pence
- Three Little Kittens
- How Much
- Friends
- The More We Get Together
- Starry Skies
- Fishes,Fishes Where Are You?