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I Have Got Six Pence

Twins歌手:TwIns@H_234_0@ 歌名:I Habe Got SIX Pence@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ I've got sIX pence. JollY, jollY sIX pence@H_234_0@ I've got sIX pence to last me all mY lIfe@H_234_0@ I've got tUppence to spare@H_234_0@ ManY tUppence to lend and tUppence to send home to mY frIend@H_234_0@ No cares have I to grIeve me@H_234_0@ No handsome lIttle boYs to deceIve me@H_234_0@ I'm as Happy as a qUeen belIeve me as I go RollIng home@H_234_0@ RollIng home RollIng home@H_234_0@ BY the Light of the sIlverY moon@H_234_0@ I'm as Happy as a qUeen belIeve me as I go RollIng home

《I Have Got Six Pence》


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