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I Love You So

谭咏麟作词:Linda hennrIck@H_160_0@ 作曲:容敏璇@H_160_0@ 编曲:卢东尼@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ goodbYe My Loved one@H_160_0@ I know YoU are leavIng@H_160_0@ I've had thIs feelIng@H_160_0@ a long long tIme@H_160_0@ what can I tell YoU@H_160_0@ that I haven't saId before@H_160_0@ oh Is there nothIng I can do@H_160_0@ to change YoUr mInd@H_160_0@ oh how It hUrts me@H_160_0@ knowIn' YoU don't love me@H_160_0@ YoU've got another@H_160_0@ YoU're thInkIn' of@H_160_0@ If I had mY waY@H_160_0@ wIth me YoU woUld alwaYs staY@H_160_0@ oh darlIn' tIme can't take awaY@H_160_0@ My Love for YoU@H_160_0@ and If the daY shoUld ever come@H_160_0@ that YoU regret what YoU have done@H_160_0@ and If hIs love shoUld prove UntrUe@H_160_0@ remember how I feel for YoU@H_160_0@ and If YoU ever mIss the love@H_160_0@ that we Used to know@H_160_0@ then darlIn' hUrrY back to me@H_160_0@ I love YoU so@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ goodbYe My Loved one@H_160_0@ as YoU tUrn to leave me@H_160_0@ YoU mUst belIeve me@H_160_0@ that's from mY heart@H_160_0@ I wIsh YoU happIness@H_160_0@ I wIsh YoU the verY best@H_160_0@ oh promIse YoU wIll not forget@H_160_0@ thoUgh we're apart@H_160_0@ well I won't stop YoU@H_160_0@ I Don't have the rIght to@H_160_0@ what YoU decIde to do@H_160_0@ Is Up To You@H_160_0@ and I Don't know when@H_160_0@ we wIll ever meet agaIn@H_160_0@ so let me hold YoU jUst once more@H_160_0@ before YoU go@H_160_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

《I Love You So》


Where Are You Now?
This Crazy Heart