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Where Is The Lady?

谭咏麟LYrIcs:Linda HennrIck@H_716_0@ MUsIc:芹泽广明@H_716_0@ Arranger:入江纯@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ Well I search for her In everY town@H_716_0@ On everY cItY street@H_716_0@ BUt I, I jUst can't fInd@H_716_0@ The one for me@H_716_0@ And I look for her In everY crowd@H_716_0@ Ask everYone I meet@H_716_0@ Oh where, where In the world@H_716_0@ Can she be@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ AlthoUgh mY heart keeps tellIng me@H_716_0@ YoU'll fInd her, waIt and see@H_716_0@ I'm as lonelY as can be@H_716_0@ TIll I hold her In mY arms@H_716_0@ SaY 'I love YoU'@H_716_0@ Tell me how long@H_716_0@ MUst I keep holdIng on to a dream@H_716_0@ Where Is the ladY@H_716_0@ Where Is the ladY@H_716_0@ Meant for me@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ As I watch the lonelY daYs go bY@H_716_0@ It's hard to carrY on@H_716_0@ No I, I jUst can't fInd@H_716_0@ The love I need@H_716_0@ As I face another emptY nIght@H_716_0@ Seems all mY hope Is gone@H_716_0@ Oh where, where In the world@H_716_0@ Can she be@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ Well I search for her In everY town@H_716_0@ On everY cItY street@H_716_0@ Oh where, where In the world@H_716_0@ Can she be

《Where Is The Lady?》


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