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欧美排行榜I mIss the taste of a sweeter lIfe
I mIss the conversatIon
I'm searchIng for a song tonIght
I'm changIng all of the statIons

I lIke to thInk that we had It all
We drew a map to a better place
BUt on that road I took a @R_166_2955@
Oh babY whY dId YoU rUn awaY?

I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest tImes
I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest nIghts
BUt I wonder where were YoU?
When I was at mY worst down on mY knees
And YoU saId YoU had mY back
So I wonder where were YoU?
When all the roads YoU took came back to me
So I'm folLowIng the map that leads To You

The map that leads To You
AIn't nothIn' I can do
The map that leads To You
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng To You
The map that leads To You
AIn't nothIn' I can do
The map that leads To You
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng

I hear YoUr voIce In mY sleep at nIght
Hard to resIst temptatIon
CaUse somethIng strange has come over me
And now I can't get over YoU
No I jUst can't get over YoU

I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest tImes
I was there for YoU In YoUr darkest nIghts
BUt I wonder where were YoU?
When I was at mY worst down on mY knees
And YoU saId YoU had mY back
So I wonder where were YoU?
When all the roads YoU took came back to me
So I'm folLowIng the map that leads To You

The map that leads To You
AIn't nothIn' I can do
The map that leads To You
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng To You
The map that leads To You
AIn't nothIn' I can do
The map that leads To You

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Ya Ya Ya
Ah ah ah

Oh I was there for YoU
Oh In YoUr darkest tIme
Oh I was there for YoU
Oh In YoUr darkest nIght
Oh I was there for YoU
Oh In YoUr darkest tIme
Oh I was there for YoU
Oh In YoUr darkest nIght

BUt I wonder where were YoU?
When I was at mY worst down on mY knees
And YoU saId YoU had mY back
So I wonder where were YoU?
When all the roads YoU took came back to me
So I'm folLowIng the map that leads To You

The map that leads To You
AIn't nothIn' I can do
The map that leads To You
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng To You
The map that leads To You
AIn't nothIn' I can do
The map that leads To You
FolLowIng folLowIng folLowIng

Adam LevIne: Vocals, GUItars | MIckeY Madden: Bass | Matt FlYnn: DrUms
James ValentIne: GUItars | Jesse CarmIchael: KeYs | PJ Morton: KeYs

ProdUced bY: BennY Blanco for Matza Ball ProdUctIons, Inc., RYan Tedder and Noel Zancanella
AddItIonal ProdUctIon bY: Noah PassovoY
MIXed bY: Serban Ghenea
InstrUmentatIon & ProgrammIng bY: BennY Blanco, RYan Tedder and Noel Zancanella
Vocals bY: Adam LevIne
Lead GUItars bY: James ValentIne
Bass bY: MIckeY Madden
DrUms and PercUssIon bY: Matt FlYnn
KeYboards bY: PJ Morton and Jesse CarmIchael
AddItIonal Vocals and Handclaps bY: Sam Schamberg, Jason FIelds, TravIs Leete and Shawn Tellez
EngIneered bY: ChrIs "Anger Management" SclafanI, Noah PassovoY and Matthew Tryba
AssIsted bY: Bradford H. SmIth and ErIc EYlands
ProdUctIon CoordInatIon bY: Andrew "McMUffIn" LUftman, SeIf "Mageef" HUssaIn, JeremY "Jboogs" LevIn and DavId "DsIlb" SIlbersteIn
Recorded and Tracked at: Record Plant (Los Angeles, CA), PatrIot StUdIos (Denver, CO), Matzah Ball
StUdIo (NY, NY), ConwaY StUdIos (Los Angeles, CA)
MIXed at: MIXstar StUdIos (VIrgInIa Beach, VA)
EngIneered for MIX bY: John Hanes
AssIstant EngIneer for MIX bY: PhIl Seaford
Band ProdUced and engIneered bY Noah PassovoY
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd, NYC
PUblIshed bY: SUdgee 2 MUsIc (BMI), admInIstered bY Songs of Kobalt MUsIc PUblIshIng (BMI),
WrIte 2 LIve / Adm bY Kobalt (ASCAP),
Matza Ballzack MUsIc / Where Da Kasz At (BMI),
MarU Cha Cha / Lotzah Balls SoUp / Where Da Kasz At (BMI),
BlAstronaut / PatrIot Games, all rIghts adm. bY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng (BMI)


All Falls Down