Pink Champagne
欧美排行榜Ola chIca@H_571_0@
YoU got that fUego fUego and YoU know I need Ya@H_571_0@
GIrl rIght now I need to see Ya@H_571_0@
Go UpstaIrs and we can drInk some o' that sangrIa@H_571_0@
Babe It's too trUe@H_571_0@
EverY gUY Up In thIs clUb Is lookIng at YoU@H_571_0@
I know I'm a lIttle shY and aIn't got tattoos@H_571_0@
BUt I'ma Try mY lUck and holla at YoU@H_571_0@
YoU got that bIg bIg bUbble bUtt@H_571_0@
Better keep mY moUth shUt@H_571_0@
I'll jUst watch YoU do YoUr thIng@H_571_0@
SIppIn' on that pInk champagne Yeah@H_571_0@
GIrl go to work@H_571_0@
Dance In that oversIzed 1980's RollIng Stones T-shIrt@H_571_0@
BIg bIg bUbble bUtt@H_571_0@
Better keep mY moUth shUt@H_571_0@
I'll jUst watch YoU do YoUr thIng@H_571_0@
SIppIn' on that pInk champagne Yeah@H_571_0@
GIrl go to work@H_571_0@
Dance In that oversIzed 1980's RollIng Stones T-shIrt@H_571_0@
HeY lIttle mama@H_571_0@
YoU're too hot jUst lIke the Middle of a Summer@H_571_0@
And I reallY wanna see YoU Under covers@H_571_0@
Take YoU there better than anY other lover@H_571_0@
If I Don't see YoU@H_571_0@
WalkIng oUt the door jUst know that I dIdn't mean to@H_571_0@
SaY hello before YoU left and that I thInk YoU@H_571_0@
ShoUld hIt mY lIne some tIme@H_571_0@
And YoU're sUper fIne@H_571_0@
YoU got that bIg bIg bUbble bUtt@H_571_0@
Better keep mY moUth shUt@H_571_0@
I'll jUst watch YoU do YoUr thIng@H_571_0@
SIppIn' on that pInk champagne Yeah@H_571_0@
GIrl go to work@H_571_0@
Dance In that oversIzed 1980's RollIng Stones T-shIrt@H_571_0@
BIg bIg bUbble bUtt@H_571_0@
Better keep mY moUth shUt@H_571_0@
I'll jUst watch YoU do YoUr thIng@H_571_0@
SIppIn' on that pInk champagne Yeah@H_571_0@
GIrl go to work@H_571_0@
Dance In that oversIzed 1980's RollIng Stones T-shIrt@H_571_0@
YoU goY bIg bIg bUbble bUtt@H_571_0@
Better keep mY moUth shUt@H_571_0@
I'll jUst watch YoU do YoUr thIng@H_571_0@
SIppIn' on that pInk champagne Yeah@H_571_0@
GIrl go to work@H_571_0@
Dance In that oversIzed 1980's RollIng Stones T-shIrt@H_571_0@
BIg bIg bUbble bUtt@H_571_0@
Better keep mY moUth shUt@H_571_0@
I'll jUst watch YoU do YoUr thIng@H_571_0@
SIppIn' on that pInk champagne Yeah@H_571_0@
GIrl go to work@H_571_0@
Dance In that oversIzed 1980's RollIng Stones T-shIrt
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