And I Love You So
林子祥And I Love YoU So@H_230_0@
And I love YoU so,@H_230_0@
The people ask me how,@H_230_0@
How I've lIved tIll now@H_230_0@
I tell them I Don't know@H_230_0@
I gUess theY Understand@H_230_0@
How lonelY lIfe has been@H_230_0@
BUt lIfe began agaIn@H_230_0@
The daY YoU took mY hand@H_230_0@
And Yes I know how lonelY lIfe can be@H_230_0@
Shadows folLow me@H_230_0@
The nIght won't set me free@H_230_0@
BUt I Don't let the evenIng get me down@H_230_0@
Now that YoU're aroUnd me@H_230_0@
And YoU love me too@H_230_0@
YoUr thoUghts are jUst for me@H_230_0@
YoU set mY spIrIt free@H_230_0@
I'm Happy that YoU do@H_230_0@
The book of lIfe Is brIef@H_230_0@
Once the page Is read@H_230_0@
All bUt love Is dead@H_230_0@
ThIs Is mY belIef
《And I Love You So》
The Second Time下一个歌词
You Don't Have To Say You Love me
The Second Time下一个歌词
You Don't Have To Say You Love me