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The Second Time

林子祥lYrIc/mUsIc:francIs laI@H_57_0@ @H_57_0@ It's the second tIme@H_57_0@ I know I've seen YoU here before@H_57_0@ It's no coIncIdence, I'm sUre@H_57_0@ that once agaIn mY spIrIt soar@H_57_0@ @H_57_0@ and the second tIme@H_57_0@ Is alwaYs harder that the fIrst@H_57_0@ forgettIng lInes that I'd rehearsed@H_57_0@ I fear the best, I fear the worst@H_57_0@ @H_57_0@ love Is brave, It has ambItIon@H_57_0@ UnafraId makes no condItIon@H_57_0@ when I saY how mUch I love YoU@H_57_0@ YoU feel I know YoU a thoUSAnd Years@H_57_0@ @H_57_0@ for the second tIme@H_57_0@ I feel I'm startIng somethIng new@H_57_0@ Please Understand the thIngs @R_616_3668@@H_57_0@ I'm @R_233_961@ wIth YoU@H_57_0@ @H_57_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

《The Second Time》


Crying In The Rain
And I Love You So