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Last Dance



Last Dance

Last Dance

Last Dance for love

Yes, It's mY last chance

For romance tonIght

I need YoU bY me

BesIde me, to gUIde me

To hold me, to scold me

'CaUse when I'm bad

I'm so, so bad

Summer Donna

So let's Dance the last Dance

Let's Dance the last Dance

Let's Dance thIs last Dance tonIght

So let's Dance the last Dance

Let's Dance the last Dance

Let's Dance thIs last Dance tonIght

Oh, I need YoU bY me

To gUIde me, to gUIde me

To hold me, to scold me

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'CaUse when I'm bad

I'm so, so bad

Can YoU fIll mY appetIte

I can't be sUre

That YoU're the one for me

BUt all that I ask

Is that YoU Dance wIth me

Dance wIth me, Yeah

I need YoU bY me

To gUIde me, to gUIde me

when I'm bad scold me

'CaUse when I'm bad

I'm so, so bad

So, come on babY, Dance that Dance

Come on babY, Dance that Dance

Come on babY, let's Dance tonIght

《Last Dance》


I Wish