I Sing
I sIng when sUn Is shInIng throUgh.
I sIng when love Is shared bY two
I sIng when Summer tUrns to Fall,
when teardrops frozen Into snow.
There Is a voIce that heals YoUr heart.
There Is a hand that helps YoU throUgh.
Whenever spIrIt hIdes Its waY, I rIse mY head and saY.
I sIng for everY happIness In me
I sIng for everY drIfter In the world.
I sIng for YoU, the one I love the most.
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I wIll rIse above to see the mornIng glorY and I'll sIng.
I sIng the song that's comIng from mY heart.
I'll toUch the heart when people sad and down.
The mIdnIght soon wIll tUrn Into the dawn.
The voIce of love Is @R_579_2950@ and clear.
The words are wrItten trUthfUllY.