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Freeway Of Love



FreewaY Of Love@H_168_1@

Knew YoU'd be a vIsIon In whIte@H_168_1@

How'd YoU get those pants so tIght?@H_168_1@

Don't know what YoU're doIn'@H_168_1@

BUt YoU mUst be lIvIn' rIght@H_168_1@

We got some places to see@H_168_1@

I broUght all the maps wIth me@H_168_1@

So jUmp rIght In...AIn't no sIn@H_168_1@

Take a rIde In mY machIne@H_168_1@

CItY traffIc movIn' waY too sLow@H_168_1@

Drop the pedal and go...go...go@H_168_1@

GoIn' rIdIn' on the freewaY of love@H_168_1@

WInd's agaInst oUr back@H_168_1@

GoIn' rIdIn' on the freewaY of love@H_168_1@

In mY pInk cadIllac@H_168_1@

GoIn' rIdIn' on the freewaY of love@H_168_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_168_1@

WInd's agaInst oUr back@H_168_1@

AIn't we rIdIn' on the freewaY of love@H_168_1@

In mY pInk CadIllac?@H_168_1@

Never YoU mInd the eXIt sIgns@H_168_1@

We got lots of tIme@H_168_1@

We can't qUIt 'tIl we get@H_168_1@

To the other sIde@H_168_1@

WIth the radIo PlayIn' oUr song@H_168_1@

We keep RollIn' on@H_168_1@

Who knows how far a car can get@H_168_1@

Before YoU thInk aboUt sLowIn' on down@H_168_1@

CItY traffIc movIn' waY too sLow@H_168_1@

Drop the pedal and go...go...go@H_168_1@

《Freeway Of Love》

