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陈光荣头文字D-MY LIMBO 隐居豆腐店

I need somethIng to help wIt the paIn
makes me stop walkIng down memorY lane
he so cool man now who's pUt to shame
Use to be a champIon rockIng the game
bUt, now I got thIs bottle
the woUnd If self-InflIcted
I qUIt on lIfe, so I aIn't addIcted
stIll won't get down on mY knees

so long It's been that
mY head Light goes dIm and
can I dIg It deepIng so
leave me here In mY lImbo
so long It's been that, ah
heY let's go dIm and, ah
can I dIg It deepIng so
leave me here In mY lImbo

apathetIc to all mY 5 senses
call a medIc, mY heart feelz bent In
I know I'm sUfferIng, bUt It's all paInless
everYdaY so dUll, mY name becomes nameless
fade to black, don't care where It's at
boX me In, toX me In
mY woUnd, flY over me, black crowes, whoa

so long It's been that
mY headLight goes dIm and
can I dIg It deepIng so
leave me here In mY lImbo
so long It's been that, ah
heY let's go dIm and, ah
can I dIg It deepIng so
leave me here In mY lImbo


