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A Hundred Times

陈光荣C Allstar

A HUndred TImes

the sUn on the horIzon
sLowlY slIps awaY
the tears Inside mY eYes
are @R_574_2955@Ing down mY face

YoU saId 'I'll alwaYs love YoU,
mY heart'll never change,
I'll alwaYs staY the same'
bUt It's alwaYs jUst the same

ooh , ooh

YoU saY oUr love Is over
YoU feel so far awaY
bUt we'll @R_574_2955@ In love agaIn

mY heart It breaks a hUndred tImes
when YoU leave oUr love behInd
bUt I'll keep on holdIng on
I'll never leave YoUr sIde

I'll staY awake a hUndred nIghts
jUst to hold YoU when YoU crY
so I'll keep on holdIng on stIll
If YoU saY goodbYe a hUndred tImes

YoU saId ''I'll alwaYs love YoU,
mY heart'll never change,
I'll alwaYs staY the same
bUt It's alwaYs jUst the same

《A Hundred Times》


A Hundred Times (a cappella)