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陈光荣I thoUght I'll be over YoU bY now@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ I thoUght I'll be on mY waY so now@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ BUt all there YoU stood before mY eYes@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ All dressed In whIte jUst seem to a game@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ JUst lIke an angel In front of me@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Oh YoU look so good@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ I was gonna crY@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ DarlIng can't YoU see that@H_757_0@ I'm jUst gonna dIe@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ If I can't have YoU bY mY sIde@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ I want to hold YoU In mY arms@H_757_0@ And I want to keep YoU safe from the heart@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ BUt all It doesn't seem let YoU need me@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ I woUld gIve anYthIng for YoU@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ JUst so asked a proof that It wIll be trUe@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Oh doesn't It@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ To make YoU see@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ DarlIng can't YoU see that@H_757_0@ I'm jUst gonna dIe@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ If I can't have YoU bY mY sIde@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ On the pleasIng sUn that lIkes the mornIng skY@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ To softIng of YoUr heart@H_757_0@ And YoU wIll see oUr love ah aY@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ DarlIng can't YoU see that@H_757_0@ I'm jUst gonna dIe@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ If I can't have YoU@H_757_0@ If I can't have YoU@H_757_0@ If I can't oh oh@H_757_0@ Have YoU bY mY sIde@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Oh oh oh@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Oh oh oh@H_757_0@ @H_757_0@ Oh oh oh


