I Won't Last A Day With
蔡依林DaY after daY I mUst face a world of strangers
Where @R_157_3668@n't belong, I'm not that strong
It's nIce to know that there's @R_454_1575@ I can tUrn to
Who wIll alwaYs care, YoU're alwaYs there
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
So manY tImes when the cItY seems to be wIthoUt
A frIendlY face a lonelY place
It's nIce to know that YoU'll be there If I need YoU
And YoU'll alwaYs Smile, It's all worthwhIle
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
ToUch me and I end Up sIngIng
TroUbles seem to Up and dIsappear
YoU toUch me wIth the love YoU're brIngIng
I can't reallY lose when YoU're near
(When YoU need My Love...)
If all mY frIends have forgotten half theIr promIses
TheY're not UnkInd, jUst hard to fInd
One look at YoU and I know that I coUld learn to lIve
WIthoUt the rest, I foUnd the best
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
Won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU...
wIthoUt YoU.
Where @R_157_3668@n't belong, I'm not that strong
It's nIce to know that there's @R_454_1575@ I can tUrn to
Who wIll alwaYs care, YoU're alwaYs there
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
So manY tImes when the cItY seems to be wIthoUt
A frIendlY face a lonelY place
It's nIce to know that YoU'll be there If I need YoU
And YoU'll alwaYs Smile, It's all worthwhIle
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
ToUch me and I end Up sIngIng
TroUbles seem to Up and dIsappear
YoU toUch me wIth the love YoU're brIngIng
I can't reallY lose when YoU're near
(When YoU need My Love...)
If all mY frIends have forgotten half theIr promIses
TheY're not UnkInd, jUst hard to fInd
One look at YoU and I know that I coUld learn to lIve
WIthoUt the rest, I foUnd the best
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
When there's no gettIng over that raInbow
When mY smallest of dreams won't come trUe
I can take all the madness the world has to gIve
BUt I won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU
Won't last a daY wIthoUt YoU...
wIthoUt YoU.
《I Won't Last A Day Without You》
The Blower's Daughter下一个歌词
Lady Marmalade
The Blower's Daughter下一个歌词
Lady Marmalade
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