Just When I Needed You Most
周华健YoU packed In the mornIng and I@H_232_0@
Stared oUt the wIndow and I@H_232_0@
StrUggled for somethIng to saY@H_232_0@
YoU left In the raIn wIthoUt closIng the door@H_232_0@
I dIdn't stand In YoUr waY@H_232_0@
Now I mIss YoU more than I @H_232_0@
MIss YoU before and now@H_232_0@
Where I'll fInd comfort God knows@H_232_0@
CaUse YoU left me jUst @H_232_0@
when I needed YoU most@H_232_0@
Now most everY mornIng I @H_232_0@
Stare oUt the wIndow and I@H_232_0@
ThInk aboUt where YoU mIght be@H_232_0@
I've wrItten YoU letters that I'd lIke to send@H_232_0@
If YoU woUld jUst send one to me@H_232_0@
'Cos I need YoU more than I @H_232_0@
Needed before and now@H_232_0@
When I'll fInd comfort God knows@H_232_0@
CaUse YoU left me jUst when I needed YoU most
《Just When I Needed You Most》
Songs Of Birds
Songs Of Birds