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Songs of Birds

周华健[Songs Of BIrds
编曲: 刘志宏
人:摆渡人工作室 刘志宏
How dId YoU know I had A needIng heart
YoU made me glad In YoUr pUreness of YoUr eYes
I felt sUch a power It gave me the strength to go on
Now I know I reallY feel In mY heart More than
All the sUn E'r Released In all It's hoUrs

*BelIevIng In YoU BelIevIng In me
BelIevIng In love

Songs of bIrds fIll the aIr
The AUtUmn hUes everYwhere
There's a sense of love and peace
I feel Where I am
BeIng wIth YoU as we are

All the troUble In the world
Won't scare me If I'm
RIght there wIth YoU throUgh It all
Repeat *

《Songs of Birds》


Leader of The Band
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