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Stay Awhile

钟镇涛mY room he creeps潛入我的房間@H_716_0@ WIthoUt makIng a soUnd沒有發出半點聲響@H_716_0@ Into mY dream he peeps窺視我的夢境@H_716_0@ WIth hIs haIr all long and hangIng down透過那披垂的髮@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ How he (she) make me qUIver(她)不禁讓我顫抖@H_716_0@ How he (she) make me Smile(她)不禁讓我微笑@H_716_0@ WIth all thIs love I have to gIve hIm (her)為這想獻給(她)的愛@H_716_0@ I gUess I'm gonna staY wIth hIm (her) awhIle我想我會留下來陪(她)一會兒@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ She brUshed the cUrls from mY eYes她撥開我眼前捲曲的長髮@H_716_0@ She drop her robe on the floor她褪去長袍,掉落在地板上@H_716_0@ She reaches for the Light on the bUreaU她的手伸向桌上的燈@H_716_0@ And the darkness Is her pIlLow once more枕上又陷入一片黑暗@H_716_0@ @H_716_0@ I gUess I'm gonna staY wIth YoU awhIle 我想我會多陪你一會兒 @H_716_0@ 原曲: StaY AwhIle - The Bells @H_716_0@ 作曲: Ken TobIas @H_716_0@ 填词: Ken TobIas @H_716_0@ 编曲: 王继康 @H_716_0@ 合唱: 锺镇涛 / 章蓉舫 @H_716_0@ 语言: 英语 @H_716_0@ 收录於大碟: 情歌对唱集(寂寞) (1995)

《Stay Awhile》


舍不得(New Version)