作词:陈少琪/MC 仁@H_223_1@
Let's Go! LIve YoUr lIfe Up daY and nIght!@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
Let's get It goIng, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
YoU're gonna get go, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
YoU're gonna get go, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
YoU're gonna get go, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
这一切 节奏太快 快到个性被分解@H_223_1@
(YoU gotta stand In lIne)@H_223_1@
氧气要购买 快灭绝美好生态 oh@H_223_1@
相信爱可统领天下(pUt'em Up pUt'em Up)@H_223_1@
将那黑色世代转化 wo oh@H_223_1@
机关枪 坦克车 狂乱地跳舞@H_223_1@
(It's tIme YoU lIve It Up)@H_223_1@
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_223_1@
别怪新闻这么假 那需挑剔天色这么差@H_223_1@
相信爱可统领天下 (pUt'em Up pUt'em Up)@H_223_1@
无论寸步难行 仍旧张开双眼@H_223_1@
有爱武器会软化 掌握手中的十架@H_223_1@
尽力量感染著世人吧 ah@H_223_1@
相信爱可统领天下 (pUt'em Up pUt'em Up)@H_223_1@
相信爱可统领天下 (pUt'em Up pUt'em Up)@H_223_1@
将那黑色世代转化 oh@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
Let's get It goIng, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
YoU're gonna get go, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
It's so hIgh hIgh hIgh@H_223_1@
YoU're gonna get go, Let's get It goIng Up@H_223_1@
- 叮叮当
- 罪与罚(with 24 Herbs)
- 上帝早已预备
- 信者得爱
- 有一种快乐
- Forgiveness (with 24 Herbs)
- 结果
- 不要惊动爱情
- 阿门
- Forgiveness (with 陈奂仁)
- Killing me softly with this song (with 陈奂仁...
- 萤
- 新造的人
- 万物有时
- 如何忍眼泪
- 好好说
- Opening(Live)
- 真命天子(Live)
- 心血来潮(Live)
- 艳遇(Live)
- 宿命主义(Live)
- Creo En MI(Live)
- 萧邦写过的歌(Live)
- 知道的请告诉我(Live)
- 你爱我爱不起(Live)
- 喜欢憎你(Live)
- 儿童不宜(Live)
- 实不相瞒(Live)
- 快乐不快乐(Live)
- 苦恋(Live)
- 世界之最(你愿意)(Live)
- 总有一个人(Live)
- 颜色... 气味(Live)
- 浮雕(Live)
- 伤(Live)
- 千年如一日(Live)
- Friends(Live)
- Arigatou(Live)
- 我们都是这样长大的
- Creo en Mi
- Prologue - Live