Everyday is Christmas (英)
张学友张学友 - EverYdaY Is ChrIstmas (英) @H_169_0@
作曲: RoXanne Seeman, PhIlIpp SteInke @H_169_0@
填词: RoXanne Seeman, PhIlIpp SteInke @H_169_0@
编曲: 杜自持 @H_169_0@
EverYdaY Is lIke ChrIstmas daY@H_169_0@
WIth YoU In mY arms @H_169_0@
GettIng cozY In Santa's sleIgh@H_169_0@
YoU to keep me warm@H_169_0@
Underneath that bIg green tree@H_169_0@
The Stars shIne down @H_169_0@
It's so heavenlY oh @H_169_0@
EverYdaY Is LIke ChrIstmas daY@H_169_0@
When YoU're wIth me @H_169_0@
EverYdaY song Is ChrIstmas song@H_169_0@
Hear the angels sIng @H_169_0@
And when YoU kIss me I sIng along @H_169_0@
JUst hear the bells rIng @H_169_0@
In the spIrIt of good cheer @H_169_0@
TheY chIme so magIcallY @H_169_0@
All can hear that @H_169_0@
EverYdaY song Is a ChrIstmas song@H_169_0@
WIth YoU mY dear @H_169_0@
* EverYdaY Is ChrIstmas@H_169_0@
EverYdaY Is ChrIstmas@H_169_0@
I maY be naIve @H_169_0@
BUt I Do belIeve @H_169_0@
That reIndeer flY on ChrIstmas@H_169_0@
Eve CaUse Santa he@H_169_0@
BroUght YoU here to me *@H_169_0@
EverYwhere that we look aroUnd @H_169_0@
It's startIn' to snow @H_169_0@
And when YoU hold me wIth YoU @H_169_0@
I've foUnd @H_169_0@
All I need to know @H_169_0@
HIdIng In thIs spot'bow the chImneYtops@H_169_0@
WatchIn'Santa ClaUs make hIs stops oh@H_169_0@
We're so Happy wIth what we're got @H_169_0@
Let's let It rock @H_169_0@
CaUse Santa he @H_169_0@
BroUght YoU here to me
《Everyday is Christmas (英)》