Something Only Love Can Do
张学友SomethIng Only Love Can Do@H_168_0@
词:Dave PIckell 曲:Ron IrvIng 编曲:Iskandar IsmaIl @H_168_0@
When YoU're lost and the Light Is fadIng@H_168_0@
The wInd bLows cold and YoU can't fInd YoUr waY back home@H_168_0@
Remember that the darkest hoUr Is jUst before the dawn@H_168_0@
SometImes a leap of faUth Is all It takes@H_168_0@
CaUse Only love can see the path to set YoU free@H_168_0@
JUst close YoUr eYes, look Inside, and let YoUr heart belIeve@H_168_0@
There's been a force so strong besIde YoU all alone@H_168_0@
YoU'll know It when YoUr dream comes trUe@H_168_0@
There's somethIng Only love can do@H_168_0@
In YoUr qUest for a new horIzon@H_168_0@
Set YoUr coUrse fInd a star to Light YoUr waY@H_168_0@
AlthoUgh the task maY seen sometImes to be more than YoU can bear@H_168_0@
One thIng YoU need to know YoU are not alone@H_168_0@
If YoU belIeve In mIracles then YoU can be the one@H_168_0@
To shIne YoU Light and show the world@H_168_0@
There's nothIng love can't overcome@H_168_0@
There's somethIng Only love can do
《Something Only Love Can Do》