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张信哲star@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ made bY handsomeck@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ anYone who ever held YoU@H_357_0@ woUld tell YoU the waY I'm feelIng@H_357_0@ anYone who ever wanted YoU@H_357_0@ woUld Try to tell YoU what I feel Inside@H_357_0@ the Only thIng I ever wanted@H_357_0@ was the feelIng that YoU aIn't fakIng@H_357_0@ the Only one YoU ever thoUght aboUt@H_357_0@ waIt a mInUte can't YoU see that I@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ I wanna Fall from The Stars@H_357_0@ straIght InTo You arms@H_357_0@ I, I feel YoU@H_357_0@ I hope YoU comprehend@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ for the man who trIed to hUrt YoU@H_357_0@ he's eXplaInIng the waY I'm feelIng@H_357_0@ for all the jealoUsY I caUsed YoU@H_357_0@ states the Reason whY I'm TryIng to hIde@H_357_0@ as for all the thIngs YoU taUght me@H_357_0@ It sends mY fUtUre Into clearer dImensIons@H_357_0@ YoU'll never know how mUch YoU hUrt me@H_357_0@ staY a mInUte can't YoU see that I@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ too manY hearts are broken@H_357_0@ a lover's promIse never came wIth a maYbe@H_357_0@ so manY words are left Unspoken@H_357_0@ the sIlent voIces are drIvIng me crazY@H_357_0@ as for all the paIn YoU caUsed me@H_357_0@ @H_357_0@ YoU never know how mUch YoU hUrt me@H_357_0@ stand,can't YoU see that I@H_357_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn


