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Loving You Loving Me

张信哲~lovIng YoU lovIng me~

made bY handsomeck

lovIng YoU
more than mUsIc loves an orchestra
more than freedom loves amerIca
there are no words to saY thIs rIght
YoU are the mornIng In the @R_423_2254@
YoU are a nIght of love an Island
YoU are the shInIng and The Star
and when I'm sUre I've gone too far
I tUrned aroUnd and there YoU are
lovIng me
and I know that I need nothIng more
love above the love I've known before
a breath a lIfe to fIll mY heart
wIth no sUch place as far apart
YoU are a nIght of love an Island
YoU are the shInIng and The Star
and when I'm sUre I've gone too far
I tUrned aroUnd and there YoU are
lovIng me
lovIng YoU lovIng me

there are no words to saY thIs rIght
YoU are the mornIng In the @R_423_2254@
YoU are a nIght of love an Island
YoU are the shInIng and The Star
and when I'm sUre I've gone too far
I tUrned aroUnd and there YoU are
lovIng me
lovIng YoU lovIng me


《Loving You Loving Me》


Let It Go