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Dust My Shoulders Off



DUst MY ShoUlders Off



JUst had a bad daY

Had car troUble on the hIghwaY

And mY stUpId boss don't lIke me

SpIlled hot coffee on mY blUe jeans

I'm Low on Money

And It aIn't fUnnY

BUt It's stIll Sunny oUtsIde

So I keep on smIlIng

I won't start waIlIng

I jUst keep lIvIng mY lIfe

Can't keep me down me down

It's Only temporarY

Can't make me frown me frown

So I aIn't even worrIed

'CaUse the world keep spInnIng

LIfe goes on and on

I won't crY for long

'CaUse It stIll be wInnIng

When thIngs are goIng wrong

I tUrn on mY favorIte song

And dUst mY shoUlders

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

YoU can't fInd YoUr @R_604_1167@

YoUr boYfrIend left YoU

BUt the partY's stIll goIng on

EverYBody here saYIng

DUst YoUr shoUlders off

See em kIssIng In the kItchen

BY bathroom

BUtcha don't let It phase YoU

Go hIt the bar Up

Go and keY hIs car Up

Tell hIm that It's karma

Can't keep me down me down

It's Only temporarY

Can't make me frown me frown

So I aIn't even worrIed

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

'CaUse the world keep spInnIng

LIfe goes on and on

I won't crY for long

'CaUse It stIll be wInnIng

When thIngs are goIng wrong

I tUrn on mY favorIte song

And dUst mY shoUlders

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off.

I aIn't trIppIng over drama

All aboUt mY nUmbers

Tell' em get Up oUtta mY face

YoU don't even know me

YoU don't even know me

Save It for another daY

I aIn't trIppIng over drama

All aboUt mY nUmbers

Tell' em get Up oUtta mY face

YoU don't even know me

YoU don't even know me

Save It for another daY

No bIg deal

WIn some YoU lose some

BUt lIfe gets real

Won't last Forever

'CaUse the world keep spInnIng

LIfe goes on and on

I won't crY for long

'CaUse It stIll be wInnIng

When thIngs are goIng wrong

I tUrn on mY favorIte song

And dUst mY shoUlders

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

DUst mY shoUlders off

I Don't worrY 'boUt nothIng jUst dUst It off

《Dust My Shoulders Off》


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Black Market