Fighting Shadows(& Big S
电影魔鬼终结者 5 创世契机全球主题曲
作词:ErIc DawkIns, Jane Zhang, BIg Sean
作曲:KIng Logan
We are on the edge
Of what coUld be the end
Don't come anY closer to me
Don't hold nothIng back
PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It
We won't be defeated
Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh
BUt fIghtIng me It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows
No SUrrender
I've been there
And It doesn't look good for YoU
Don't come anY closer to me
Don't hold nothIng back
PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It
We won't be defeated
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Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh
Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh
BUt fIghtIng me It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows
To spend a daY and a nIght wIth me, probablY coUld wrIte a novel
I'm goIng throUgh hell and back, so everY room got a BIble
MY enemIes and mY rIvals Is probablY wIthIn a mIle
Or staY down bUt that aIn't mY fate now
I'm a hUndred percent If YoU're testIng mY faIth
That I'm from a cItY where war Is a @R_168_3704@groUnd
I've been lIvIng rIght and wrong
HonestlY, It's jUst so mUch to saY
If I dIe todaY, It's JUdgment DaY
Don't hold nothIng back
PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It
We won't be defeated
Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh
Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh
《Fighting Shadows(& Big Sean)》