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Open Up Your Dream


@H_716_0@Open Up YoUr Dream




@H_716_0@制作:AbsolUte MUsIc 绝音工作空间

@H_716_0@TodaY we gonna show YoU everY waY

@H_716_0@We gonna change It everYdaY

@H_716_0@We gonna make YoU ever brave

@H_716_0@YoU're gotta know that YoU'll be free

@H_716_0@And If

@H_716_0@If I can open Up YoUr dreams

@H_716_0@If I can open Up YoUr mInd

@H_716_0@Don't saY It never can be real

@H_716_0@YoU coUld see mIracles happen To You

@H_716_0@I show YoU the waY

@H_716_0@I show YoU the waY

@H_716_0@We all have thIs Only world

@H_716_0@We all dream of beIng here

@H_716_0@We shoUld make the fUtUre come Together

@H_716_0@all Together

@H_716_0@We wIll gIve what we've got

@H_716_0@YoU wIll know where It's from

@H_716_0@ThIs Is the moment to be all that we can be

@H_716_0@To make the world belIeve

@H_716_0@And Please let me tell YoU somethIng new

@H_716_0@That YoU are Chosen to be good

@H_716_0@And when YoUr dreams all come trUe

@H_716_0@It Is the rIght tIme to get YoU throUgh

@H_716_0@Don't be a fool

@H_716_0@JUst joIn Us to move


@H_716_0@We all have thIs Only world

@H_716_0@We all dream of beIng here

@H_716_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

@H_716_0@We shoUld take the fUtUre come Together

@H_716_0@all Together

@H_716_0@We wIll gIve what we've got

@H_716_0@YoU wIll know where It's from

@H_716_0@ThIs Is the moment to be all that we can be

@H_716_0@To make the world belIeve

@H_716_0@YoU coUld make YoUrself ever proUd

@H_716_0@YoU coUld see

@H_716_0@YoU wIll belIeve

@H_716_0@That we can do somethIng that nobobY else can achIeve

@H_716_0@JUst open Up YoUr dream


@H_716_0@We all have thIs Only word

@H_716_0@We all dream of beIng here

@H_716_0@We shoUld take the fUtUre come Together

@H_716_0@(make the fUtUre come Together Together Oh……)

@H_716_0@We wIll gIve what we've got(we've got)

@H_716_0@YoU wIll know where It's from

@H_716_0@(It's from the bottom of mY heart)

@H_716_0@ThIs Is the moment to be all that we can be

@H_716_0@(that we can be)

@H_716_0@To make the world belIeve

@H_716_0@(To make the world belIeve)

@H_716_0@We all have thIs Only word

@H_716_0@We all dream of beIng here

@H_716_0@We shoUld take the fUtUre come Together

@H_716_0@(beIng thIs one to let come Together Oh……)

@H_716_0@We wIll gIve what we've got (what we've got)

@H_716_0@YoU wIll know where It's from (what we've got)

@H_716_0@ThIs Is the moment to be all that we can be

@H_716_0@To make the world belIeve

@H_716_0@(To make the world belIeve)

《Open Up Your Dream》

