张杰I can feel the weIght pUllIn Us both down
@H_23_1@Together we can fInd thIs gravItY
@H_23_1@I can see the sparkle In YoUr brIght eYes
@H_23_1@And I know thIs Is where we beGin
@H_23_1@CaUse nothIng Is ImpossIble
@H_23_1@The world Is never oUt of oUr reach
@H_23_1@Together we're Unstopable
@H_23_1@The groUnd remaIns far from oUr feet
@H_23_1@Free FallIng from the skY a thoUSAnd mIles an hoUr
@H_23_1@Don't wanna pUll the rIpcord pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@I'm not afraId to dIe jUst want to lIve It @R_574_2950@er
@H_23_1@Before I pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@I wanna lIve todaY lIke It's the last one
@H_23_1@JUst In case Tomorrow never comes
@H_23_1@I wanna gIve YoU everYthIng YoU've dreamed of
@H_23_1@And I know there wIll be no regrets
@H_23_1@CaUse nothIng Is ImpossIble
@H_23_1@The world Is never oUt of oUr reach
@H_23_1@Free FallIng from the skY a thoUSAnd mIles an hoUr
@H_23_1@Don't wanna pUll the rIpcord pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@I'm not afraId to dIe jUst want to lIve It @R_574_2950@er
@H_23_1@Before I pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@CaUse nothIng Is ImpossIble
@H_23_1@Free FallIng from the skY a thoUSAnd mIles an hoUr
@H_23_1@Don't wanna pUll the rIpcord pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@Together we can fInd thIs gravItY
@H_23_1@I can see the sparkle In YoUr brIght eYes
@H_23_1@And I know thIs Is where we beGin
@H_23_1@CaUse nothIng Is ImpossIble
@H_23_1@The world Is never oUt of oUr reach
@H_23_1@Together we're Unstopable
@H_23_1@The groUnd remaIns far from oUr feet
@H_23_1@Free FallIng from the skY a thoUSAnd mIles an hoUr
@H_23_1@Don't wanna pUll the rIpcord pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@I'm not afraId to dIe jUst want to lIve It @R_574_2950@er
@H_23_1@Before I pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@I wanna lIve todaY lIke It's the last one
@H_23_1@JUst In case Tomorrow never comes
@H_23_1@I wanna gIve YoU everYthIng YoU've dreamed of
@H_23_1@And I know there wIll be no regrets
@H_23_1@CaUse nothIng Is ImpossIble
@H_23_1@The world Is never oUt of oUr reach
@H_23_1@Free FallIng from the skY a thoUSAnd mIles an hoUr
@H_23_1@Don't wanna pUll the rIpcord pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@I'm not afraId to dIe jUst want to lIve It @R_574_2950@er
@H_23_1@Before I pUll the rIpcord
@H_23_1@CaUse nothIng Is ImpossIble
@H_23_1@Free FallIng from the skY a thoUSAnd mIles an hoUr
@H_23_1@Don't wanna pUll the rIpcord pUll the rIpcord