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Give You My World



GIve YoU MY World

作词:James Alan&Peter Svensson&Johan Carlson

作曲:MaX MartIn

YoU have gIven me love

beYond border lInes

Mended broken pIeces of me long left behInd

And If I knew It meant YoUr happIness woUld be assUred

I'd scale the tallest moUntaInside and walk the ocean floor

The ImpossIble Is possIble as I am YoUrs

And If I had mY waY

TIme woUld stop Tomorrow @R_@R_457_4340@9_1850@ and a daY

Is not enoUgh to share wIth YoU

No less than YoU deserve

I promIse I wIll gIve YoU

More than jUst mY word

I'll gIve YoU mY world , I'll gIve YoU mY world

Now As we all mUst let the force of fate decIde

I wIll bear no regret wIth YoU here bY mY sIde

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When the hoUr Is at hand that I mUst saY goodbYe

I wIll gladlY meet mY end knowIng well that I

FoUnd In YoU the greatest happIness of all mY lIfe

And If I had mY waY

TIme woUld stop Tomorrow

@R_@R_457_4340@9_1850@ and a daY

Is not enoUgh to share wIth YoU

No less than YoU deserve

I promIse I'll gIve YoU

More than jUst mY word

I'll gIve YoU mY world

More than jUst mY word

I'll gIve YoU mY world

I'll gIve YoU mY world

I'll gIve YoU mY world

《Give You My World》


Everything Will Say Goodbye