Thank You
张国荣here's a peacefUl easY feelIng@H_657_0@
BLowIng softlY thrU the trees@H_657_0@
WhIch welcomes In the mornIng Light@H_657_0@
That shInes for me to see@H_657_0@
And It takes me past mY sorrow@H_657_0@
And keeps me from the raIn@H_657_0@
For all these thIngs I'd lIke to Thank YoU once agaIn@H_657_0@
There's a staIrwaY In the moUntaIns@H_657_0@
And It leads Up to The Stars@H_657_0@
And stars can move the cLouds awaY@H_657_0@
And keep me from the dark@H_657_0@
And when I feel alone and lost@H_657_0@
TheY'll show me the waY@H_657_0@
For all these thIngs I'd lIke to thank YoU once agaIn@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for the love@H_657_0@
That's rIght here In thIs song@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for mY dreams@H_657_0@
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me@H_657_0@
We seldom stop to thInk that@H_657_0@
We have travelled verY far@H_657_0@
Seen and heard a mIllIon thIngs Even wIshed Upon a star@H_657_0@
Cared for all the close frIends@H_657_0@
Who have passed along the waY@H_657_0@
For all these thIngs and more Thank YoU once agaIn@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for the love@H_657_0@
That's rIght here In thIs song@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for mY dreams@H_657_0@
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for the love@H_657_0@
That's rIght here In thIs song@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for mY dreams@H_657_0@
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for the love@H_657_0@
That's rIght here In thIs song@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for mY dreams@H_657_0@
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for the love@H_657_0@
That's rIght here In thIs song@H_657_0@
Thank YoU for mY dreams@H_657_0@
For everYthIng LIfe has gIven me
《Thank You》