I remember qUIte clearlY now when thIs storY happened@H_716_0@
The aUtUmn leaves were Floating and measUred down to the groUnd@H_716_0@
RecoverIng the lake where we Used to swIm lIke chIldren@H_716_0@
On the sUn woUld dare to shIne@H_716_0@
That tIme,we Used to be Happy@H_716_0@
Well,I thoUght we were @H_716_0@
Bnt the trUth was that -- YoU had been longIng to leave me@H_716_0@
Not @R_160_2255@g to tell me@H_716_0@
On that precIoUs nIght watchIng the lake vagUelY conscIoUs@H_716_0@
YoU saId: oUr storY was endIng @H_716_0@
Now I’m standIng here @H_716_0@
No one to wIpe awaY mY tears@H_716_0@
No one to keep me warm@H_716_0@
And no one to walk along wIth@H_716_0@
No one to make me feel@H_716_0@
No one to make me whole@H_716_0@
Oh ! What am I to do ?@H_716_0@
I’m standIng here alone@H_716_0@
It doesn’t seem so clear to me@H_716_0@
What am I sUpposed to do aboUt thIs bUrnIngheart of mIne@H_716_0@
Oh ! What am I to do ? @H_716_0@
Or how shoUld I react ?@H_716_0@
Oh ! tell me Please !@H_716_0@
The raIn was kIllIng the last daYs of Summer@H_716_0@
YoU had been kIllIng mY last breath of love@H_716_0@
SInce a long tIme ago ......@H_716_0@
I stIll don’t thInk I’m gonna make It throUgh another love storY@H_716_0@
YoU took It all awaY from me@H_716_0@
And there I stand , I knew I was gonna be the ...@H_716_0@
The one left behInd@H_716_0@
BUt stIll I’m watchIng the lake vagUelY conscIoUs@H_716_0@
And I knew ----@H_716_0@
MY lIfe Is endIng @H_716_0@
Now I’m standIng here @H_716_0@
No one to wIpe awaY mY tears@H_716_0@
No one to keep me warm@H_716_0@
And no one to walk along wIth@H_716_0@
No one to make me feel@H_716_0@
No one to make me whole@H_716_0@
Oh ! What am I to do ?@H_716_0@
I’m standIng here alone@H_716_0@
It doesn’t seem so clear to me@H_716_0@
What am I sUpposed to do aboUt thIs bUrnIngheart of mIne@H_716_0@
Oh ! What am I to do ? @H_716_0@
Or how shoUld I react ?@H_716_0@
Oh ! tell me Please !@H_716_0@
Ha ----@H_716_0@
Ha ----