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I'm Always Dreaming Of

叶倩文I'M AlwaYs Dreaming Of YoU』@H_234_0@ ☆叶倩文☆@H_234_0@ 《尘》@H_234_0@ 词: 曲:@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ 【零起点文具】@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ I remember notIcIng YoU@H_234_0@ no one knew that I was lookIng at YoU@H_234_0@ kept a dIsgUIse for fear Inside@H_234_0@ YoU dIdn't feel It too@H_234_0@ coUldn't tell YoU what It was YoU dId@H_234_0@ YoUr presence made a standIng stIll In tIme@H_234_0@ taken bY YoUr stare I saId a praYer@H_234_0@ somedaY YoU'll be mIne@H_234_0@ well @R_104_1575@ was watchIng @R_104_1575@ was lIstenIng@H_234_0@ @R_104_1575@ answered me@H_234_0@ now that I foUnd YoU I can't lIve wIthoUt YoU@H_234_0@ babY oh babY@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ I'm alwaYs Dreaming of YoU@H_234_0@ YoU're on mY mInd everYwhere I go@H_234_0@ and babY don't YoU know@H_234_0@ jUst what mY world's been goIng throUgh@H_234_0@ I Try to stop mY thoUghts bUt that woUld be a lIe@H_234_0@ and I can't denY It's trUe@H_234_0@ I'm alwaYs Dreaming of YoU@H_234_0@ nothIng seems to matter Anymore@H_234_0@ everYone I meet Is not YoU (no one compares To You)@H_234_0@ lIfe's not the same@H_234_0@ I Don't complaIn now that love Feels trUe@H_234_0@ well @R_104_1575@ was watchIng @R_104_1575@ was lIstenIng@H_234_0@ @R_104_1575@ answered me@H_234_0@ now that I foUnd YoU I can't lIve wIthoUt YoU@H_234_0@ babY oh babY@H_234_0@ @H_234_0@ I'm alwaYs Dreaming of YoU@H_234_0@ YoU're on mY mInd everYwhere I go@H_234_0@ and babY don't YoU know@H_234_0@ jUst what mY world's been goIng throUgh@H_234_0@ I Try to stop mY thoUghts bUt that woUld be a lIe@H_234_0@ and I can't denY It's trUe@H_234_0@ I'm alwaYs Dreaming of YoU

《I'm Always Dreaming Of You》

