姚斯婷BUt I coUld have told YoU VIncent
ThIs world was never meant for
One as beaUtIfUl as YoU
LIke the strangers that YoU've met
The ragged man In ragged clothes
A sIlver thorn In a bloodY rose
LIe crUshed and broken on the vIrgIn snow
Now I thInk I know
What YoU Try to saY to me
That how YoU sUffered for YoUr sanItY
And how YoU Try to set them free
TheY woUld not lIsten then I'm lIstenIng stIll
Perhaps theY never wIll
ThIs world was never meant for
One as beaUtIfUl as YoU
LIke the strangers that YoU've met
The ragged man In ragged clothes
A sIlver thorn In a bloodY rose
LIe crUshed and broken on the vIrgIn snow
Now I thInk I know
What YoU Try to saY to me
That how YoU sUffered for YoUr sanItY
And how YoU Try to set them free
TheY woUld not lIsten then I'm lIstenIng stIll
Perhaps theY never wIll