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Spaceman Came Travelling

许冠杰A Spaceman Came TravellIng@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ XIaoqIn@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Spaceman Came TravellIng@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ A spaceman came travellIng on hIs shIp from afar,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ 'twas Light Years of tIme sInce hIs mIssIon dId start,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And over a vIllage he halted hIs craft,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And It hUng In the skY lIke a star,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ jUst lIke a star...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ He fol@R_@R_576_4340@5_3853@ed a Light and came down to a shed,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Where a mother and a chIld were lYIng there on a bed,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ A brIght Light of sIlver shone roUnd hIs head,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And he had the face of an angel,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ and theY were afraId...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ @H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Then the stranger spoke,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ he saId 'Do not fear,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ I come from a planet a long waY from here,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And I brIng a message for mankInd to hear',@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And sUddenlY the sweetest mUsIc fIlled the aIr...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And It went Ah...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Peace and goodwIll to all men,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ and love for the chIld...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ @H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ ThIs lovelY mUsIc went tremblIng throUgh the groUnd,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And manY were wakened on hearIng that soUnd,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And travellers on the road, the vIllage theY foUnd,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ BY the Light of that shIp In the skY,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ whIch shone all roUnd...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And jUst before dawn at the palIng of the skY,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ The stranger retUrned and saId 'Now I mUst flY,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ When two thoUSAnd Years of YoUr tIme has gone bY,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ ThIs song wIll beGin once agaIn,@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ to a babY's crY...'@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ And It went Ah...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Peace and goodwIll to all men@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ and love for the chIld...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Peace and goodwIll to all men@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ and love for the chIld...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Peace and goodwIll to all men@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ and love for the chIld...@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....@H_@R_576_4340@1_0@ Ah....

《Spaceman Came Travelling 》


Danger Zone