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The Lady Is Waiting

许冠杰ĐíšÚ˝Ü - The LadY Is WaItIng
רź­:Came TravellIng

BrIghter than sUnshIne reflected on water
The Smile of the ladY Is gracIoUs and warm

And thoUgh she's a woman
she laUghs lIke a chIld at Play

And the ladY Is waItIng at the end of mY daY

She waIts at the doorwaY
and saYs that sh loves me
Wants me to tell her that I love her too

If I have troUbles I know she'll wIsh them awaY

And the ladY Is waItIng at the end of mY daY

WaItIng to comfort me If I'm wearY eases mY mInd
WaItIng to comfort me readY to cheer me
Ever so gentle and kInd and kInd

and kInd

SharIng mY secrdtd and wIshIng mY wIshes
The whIsper of Summer Is there In her Smile

SoftlY reflectIng oUr lover In the thIngs that we saY

And the ladY Is waItIng at the end of mY daY

《The Lady Is Waiting》


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