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Never Look Back

萧亚轩Never Look Back@H_577_0@ BY Ansen YU@H_577_0@ See the tear In YoUr eYes@H_577_0@ Let It Fall from the skY@H_577_0@ Meet the raInbow as It comes behIndThere's a vIsIon for YoU@H_577_0@ That YoU're not lettIng throUgh@H_577_0@ TIme for lettIng go that state of mIndIt's better to love and to lose, so theY saY@H_577_0@ Than never have loved at all@H_577_0@ So don't hang aroUnd feelIng sad, lookIng down@H_577_0@ It's a lesson, YoU mIght as well learnC'est la vIe@H_577_0@ YoU gIve and YoU get, YoU lIve and YoU let@H_577_0@ No-one saId It was easY@H_577_0@ Et d'amoUr@H_577_0@ YoU never look back, never ever regret@H_577_0@ LettIng go It's not easYWhat Is Up wIthoUt down@H_577_0@ Or the lost wIthoUt foUnd@H_577_0@ What Is love wIthoUt a lIttle paInSometImes the one thIng YoU fear@H_577_0@ Keeps on holdIng YoU there@H_577_0@ TIme for gIvIng Up the crYIng game@H_577_0@ @H_577_0@ And love Is amazIng when YoU fIgUre It oUt!

《Never Look Back》

