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(I Love You) For Sentimental

萧敬腾I love YoU for sentImental Reasons 愛上妳是出於深情的理由
I hope YoU do belIeve me 期盼妳能相
I'll gIve YoU mY heart 我將對妳付出所有的感情

I love YoU 我愛妳
And YoU alone were meant for me 對我而言你就是唯一
Please gIve YoUr lovIng heart to me 請對我付出妳的真
And saY we'll never part 並說我們永不分離

I thInk of YoU everY mornIng 每當清晨我想著妳
Dream of YoU everY nIght 每到夜晚我夢著妳
DarlIng I'm never lonelY 愛的, 我永不寂寞
Whenever YoU're In sIght 每當我看到妳的倩影

I love YoU for sentImental Reasons 愛上妳是出於深情的理由
I hope YoU do belIeve me 期盼妳能相
I'll gIve YoU mY heart 我將對妳付出所有的感情

I thInk of YoU everY mornIng 每當清晨我想著妳
Dream of YoU everY nIght 每到夜晚我夢著妳
DarlIng I'm never lonelY 愛的, 我永不寂寞
Whenever YoU're In sIght 每當我看到妳的倩影

I love YoU for sentImental Reasons 愛上妳是出於深情的理由
I hope YoU do belIeve me 期盼妳能相
I'll gIve YoU mY heart 我將對妳付出所有的感情

《(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons》


For Once In My Life
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